Any users? This program is outside my experience. I can work with Access, but it never does exactly what I want. I can't use any other programs, unless there is something simple I'm missing.

I'm going to call them objects, hope this will be easy to follow:

Object A has two properties: it's name (or ID) and description. There are about 250+.
Object B has ten properties: it's name (or ID) and description, four other important and four not important (but need tracked). There are 7100+.

Object C is a reference of one Object A and one Object B. It only has a name. There are 7700+. All Object A are used; more than half Object B are used. There are a few Cs that have the same A and B, but not many. In this table I need to list C, all the A info, and the important B info.

That's where I am now. I have a text document that lists C with its A and B. (I also have two documents that have all the A and all the B info.) I get Access to build the A table and the B table. When I build the C table, it recognizes that there are multiple A and B and tries to build lookup* tables for them. If I let that happen it looks nice, but it won't have all the A or B info, just the names that came in with C. If I try to do it manually (I say manually, but I want Access to do it for me) it won't properly link the info. Or I get errors.

*(The lookup tables that Access builds for itself, I can't type manually. It has expressions like xyz_ID_xyz, but no help as to what that means and no way to duplicate it.)

Do I need to look at relationships differently, or use Queries to track the C data I want?

If someone could help just on this, it'd buy you a liquid refreshment if you are ever within ten feet of me. It'd be nicer if I could e-mail you from work tomorrow.

It gets worse. The next step is object D. D lists the Cs that are being used. A D can have many Cs, but never a repeat inside a D. Ds are not equal. Some are production, some are test and some are unused but exist. (There is other D info, but not important.)

I want to backwards track what Cs, Bs and As are being used. If a C, B, or A has just one instance of being in production, I want it flagged that way. If not in production but in test, marked so; if not in production or test but still listed in a D; and the rest not used at all.

Lastly as a D is added, things are updated, if something unused becomes used for example.

Thank you in advance
Kevin T
Going for a bike ride, inside

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