--- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thing I didn't see in his response -- the South
> did a lot of trade
> with Britain, so the Confederacy would have had
> economic ties with
> Britain.
>       Julia

Good point, Julia.  I should have mentioned that.  In
fact, the South really expected Britain to enter the
war in order to get Southern cotton, which they
thought the British economy needed to surivive.  They
vastly overestimated the British dependence on
Southern cotton (the total failure of Southern
strategic analysis is a topic I'd like to study some
day).  _But_.  One reason the British were under less
economic pressure to intervene than they might have
been was record cotton crops in India and Egypt.  Had
the climate been less favorable, the economic pressure
for Britain to intervene would have been much higher. 
Luck once again, I guess.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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