Besides the obvious, does anyone know a good legal source for government openness information? There was a tiff at work today that almost broke down into a "yes they can"/"no they can't" fight. I agree with the "yes they can" side, but the other party is more knowledgeable. (I was only a spectator.)

I'm saying this in generalities: certain forms are mailed out to businesses which contain public data specific to that company; the information is not private or secret. However, (I'm assuming) a person would have to leave a paper trail to get this public data through the freedom of information act (if the company doesn't share it already). Right now an employee has to have permission/access to the info and there is an internal log of who/what/when it's viewed.

We have a printing function which could save all of the printed forms' data. One file, all the info in a format that anyone could access. So it'd be all the info on any company in that print job, in a PC friendly format. An unscrupulous employee could copy the file to a disk, take it to an anonymous e-mailer and send it anywhere.

The one side doesn't want that function for that reason, security; while the other says it's public data anyway. (and I'm realizing, this could apply to internal reports that are not mailed/contain private info).

Ah well, fun at work.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Stuck in the muggles with you

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