From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Belief (was: (no subject))
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 12:20:49 -0800 (PST)

> Forgive me for prying, but why exactly do you
> "believe"? Is there any one
> thing in particular, that perhaps can be
> articulated?

<smile>  I can't remember the thread, but there was a
discussion on this question not too terribly long
ago...perhaps last summer?  I'll try to find it (maybe
someone else can recall the thread?), but it might be
a while (a lot's going on).

Whenever you find it, let me know ok? I should like to read it.

I've been through a
seriously-doubting phase, a frightened-questioning
phase, and the return to a sense-of-connectedness,
among others.  No 'on the road to Damascus'
experience, if that's something you were asking.

<lol> No, no 'on the road to Damascus' stuff...

I have another question though. If you and I were standing face-to-face, and I told you that there was a pink elephant standing behind you, would you believe me? Better yet, would you even turn around to see?

<snip> > On a serious note (and please *note* that I'm not > being defensive) I have a > question. Do you think one has to be confident, if > not a little cocky, in > order to maximise the effects of words at times? And > in turn, do you think > that arrogance 'comes with the job' so to speak? For > we all here are writers are we not?

I hadn't thought of it in those terms, more along the
lines of "as a self-selected group, we're a bit
arrogant -- but entitled to it"

That's a great (and not totally unexpected, coming from you) way to put it.

The above is a compliment btw.

I mean look at db. He can be very arrogant at times. But can you blame him? He has to be.

But we _are_ all writers, at least of
sorts, and I think appreciative of the beauty and the
power of language & the written word to move as well
as inform us.

Yes, "of sorts". Although I think some 'write', and some just 'type'(strictly speaking of list activities in this instance). And I'm not too sure that everyone is appreciative of the written word. In any case, the one's who are, and consequently the one's who 'write', as opposed to 'type', are the interesting one's.

A sincere thanks for being interesting, Deborah.

> That things change, I have no doubt. But the
> implication of an almost
> Universal conglomeration of...insight...that occurs
> only with an
> accumulation of years collected on this planet, is
> something that I have to
> reject. Perhaps though, there is indeed something
> that I am missing, and
> which can only be gained by suffering the fires of
> time.

Well, I think it's more experience than time


Interestingly, while I have on the whole become more
sympathetic and tolerant of others' POVs as I mature,
I also have lost much of the need for others'
approval, which has lead me to become more outspoken,
and to be paradoxically more intolerant of those who
IMO are wasting my time.
<dry>  As recently demonstrated.

<sympathetic smile> Welcome to Humanity. I know that sounds a little improper (especially coming from the pup!!) but it's meant to ease the angst, caused by being a sentient being.

<lol> That sounded stupid!!!! Sorry just got off work, I'm tired, and in some sort of a daze where thought is not as clear as when I'm relaxed. Either way I'm not changing a damn thing I said!!!<lol>

Debbi who very much misses those talking-until-false-dawn impassioned discussions as a teen and tween

Way overrated, yet great depending on the circumstances.

course, staying awake until dawn now takes a much
higher toll physically... <creak, creak, creak  ;} >

<lol> One word: Caffeine.


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