--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tend to doubt very many Brin-Lers--other than
> certain Trolls--had
> difficulty understanding you.

I did, actually, and I have an extensive background in
evolutionary psych.

My problem with it - from what I did understand - is
the problem shared with most evolutionary psychology. 
It struck me as a "just so" story.  If you wanted to
come up with the exact opposite explanation, you could
come up with an equally plausible evolutionary
background to explain it.  What you need is some
empirical validation of the ideas.

For example - does terrorism actually happen because
of economic pressures?  Well, there's some pretty good
evidence (first explored 30 years ago by Sam
Huntington in his "J-Curve" theory of terrorism during
modernization) that terrorist movements most often
occur after prolonged periods of economic _growth_,
not scarcity, usually when that prolonged growth has
slowed down.  Very poor societies rarely produce
terorrist movements, and the poor people in any
society are almost never terrorists.  Terrorists are,
almost universally, the educated upper-middle class. 
So Sam argued that terrorism is actually a product of
a difference between expectations and achievment of
economic development, not scarcity.

So how does that square with the idease expressed
here? I'm not even sure, but evolutionary psychology
is a very, very, very thin reed on which to rest an argument.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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