Nick, in hiding under the bed mode:
> > A band of influential preachers is praying for the power to 
> rule America.
> > For those who disagree, they have a solution -- stoning.

They're not influential. I know a hell of a lot more about them than anyone
else here. I have seen Rousas Rushdoony's withered wattles up close (I was a
kid at the time, what is he, 110?) I have seen Gary North's blotchy face
explaining how the revolution of rising expectations must come to an end
soon and Jesus would return soon after that. Still waiting for both.

Christian Reconstructionists are out of touch with zero chance of affecting
anything except the digestion of liberals who are addicted to pointing with
alarm. And the children of parents who don't have the sense to keep their
kids away from Christian Reconstructionists.

Anybody who is alarmed by Christian Reconstructionists and is not alarmed by
Islam is a pernicious dumbass. Or maybe you just hate America. I know, your
hackles go up when somebody says that. But too bad. I'm starting to think my
father-in-law saw something I've missed all these years. You do hate
America. All evil is within our borders. Outside our borders, racism and
genocidal intentions are "cultural diversity."

Mainstream Islam is stupider, meaner, more racist, more authoritarian, more
genocidal than Christian Reconstructionism. Anyone care to debate that? 


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