
Records contradict USDA's mad cow decision 

By Steve Mitchell
United Press International <moonie owned propaganda outlet>
Published 4/21/2004 3:07 PM

WASHINGTON, April 21 (UPI) -- A recent U.S. Department of Agriculture
decision to block a private company from testing all its cattle under 30
months of age for mad cow disease runs contrary to its own records that
show it has tested more than 2,000 animals in that age range, United
Press International has learned.

The USDA rejected the Creekstone Farms testing plan on the grounds it was
scientifically unsound. The Arkansas City, Kan., Black Angus beef
producer wanted to test all its cattle for mad cow disease voluntarily so
it could export its beef to Japan.

The Asian nation has insisted U.S. firms test all their cattle for mad
cow before it will reopen its borders, which were shut to U.S. beef
following the detection of a Holstein infected with the disease in
Washington state last December.

In announcing the decision to reject Creekstone's proposal, Bill Hawks,
USDA's undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, said, "There
is no scientific justification for 100 percent testing because the
disease does not appear in younger animals" under the age of 30 months. 

A more sound approach scientifically, Hawks said, would be USDA's
expanded surveillance plan, which calls for testing 200,000 or more cows
in U.S. herds that are 30 months of age or older. 

The department's mad cow testing records, however, which were obtained by
UPI via the Freedom of Information Act, show over the past two years the
agency tested 2,051 animals -- and possibly more -- that were under the
age of 30 months. 

"That's so hypocritical," said Michael Hansen, senior research associate
with Consumers Union, the advocacy group in Yonkers, N.Y. "It makes it
difficult for the USDA to argue to Creekstone, 'We only test animals
above 30 months,' when USDA itself tests animals as young as 3 months

In 2002, the agency tested 999 animals under 30 months old, including one
as young as 3 months. The bulk, 841, were 24 months old, but 40 were 20
months, 31 were 18 months, 52 were 12 months and there were single cases
of cows as young as 9, 8, 6 and 3 months old.

In addition, in 2002, of the approximately 20,000 cows tested, 111
animals have no age listed at all and more than 11,000 are classified
only as adults with no specific age given.

The testing of young cows appears to have increased in 2003. USDA only
supplied UPI with records through July of last year, which leaves out the
final two months of the fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30. During that
10-month period, however, the agency tested 1,052 animals under 30 months
old. If this rate was maintained for the final two months of the year,
the USDA would have tested about 200 more animals under 30 months in 2003
than it did in 2002.

The 2003 records also show more than 100 cows with no age listed and as
many as 7,000 listed only as adults with no specific age.

Consumers Union, along with 12 other advocacy groups -- including Public
Citizen and the Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Foundation -- sent USDA a
letter Monday urging it to reverse its position on the Creekstone
proposal, as well as to expand its surveillance program to include
animals under 30 months old. 

Hansen said he would like to see the testing program amended to include
animals as young as 20 months because infected animals of that age have
been detected in Japan and two animals under the age of 30 months have
tested positive for mad cow in Europe. 

The concern with mad cow disease is it can produce a fatal, incurable
brain disorder in humans called variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, which
is contracted from eating meat infected with the mad-cow pathogen.

"It's amazing that USDA lives by a double standard," said Larry Bohlen of
Friends of the Earth, an environmental advocacy group in Washington.

The USDA "offered a puny compromise to test older cattle for Creekstone
farms when the agency itself has been testing some younger cattle for the
last 2 years," Bohlen told UPI. His organization co-signed the letter to
USDA and plans a demonstration Wednesday at the agency's headquarters in

Bohlen was referring to a compromise the agency offered Creekstone to
test an unspecified number of its animals older than 30 months at
USDA-approved labs. Creekstone rejected the deal because it has invested
$500,000 in building a state-of-the-art testing facility and nearly all
of its animals are under that age at the time of slaughter.

Bill Fielding, Creekstone's chief operating officer, said he would not
classify USDA's offer as a compromise because it did not address the
issues of concern to the company.

"As the USDA is aware, only about 1 percent of our animals are over 30
months, so testing them does nothing for our business and is not what our
customers are asking for," Fielding told UPI.

He added that he agreed there was a double standard in the USDA's
position that Creekstone cannot test younger animals when the agency has
done so itself. 

"There's so many inconsistencies with what they're saying," Fielding
said. "I think that's why there's such a public outcry to what they're
doing. We were getting hundreds of e-mails and letters, it's now up to
thousands ... from people who can't believe what the government is

USDA spokeswoman Alisa Harrison told UPI the agency's rationale for
prohibiting Creekstone from testing younger animals is "the scientific
evidence is there that you can't find it (mad cow disease) in animals
under 30 months." 

Asked why the agency tested thousands of animals under that age, Harrison
replied, "I don't know."

It could be the animals were showing severe signs of central nervous
system disorders -- a possible indication of mad cow disease -- or
perhaps there was some "confusion on the age of the animals," she said.
"I'm sure there's a good reason."

Harrison said she would look into the agency's rationale for testing the
young animals and including them in official statistics, but she did not
respond by presstime.

Bill Bullard, chief executive officer of R-CALF USA, a non-profit
association in Billings, Mont., which represents independent ranchers,
noted a 3-month-old cow looks like a calf, so it is unlikely animals in
this age range were confused for 30-month old adults. 

In addition, USDA records indicate the majority of animals younger than
30 months were classified as downers -- animals unable to walk -- which
can happen for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with central
nervous system disorders, such as a broken leg or a birthing injury. Only
57 out of the 1,052 young animals tested in 2003, for example, were
classified as having signs of a central nervous system disorder. 

"To test that many young animals does not appear to reflect an agency
that is actually after the high-risk population," Bullard told UPI.

R-CALF has written a letter to Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman urging
the decision on Creekstone be reversed and also has appealed to several
members of Congress on the issue.

"The USDA is just plain wrong in deciding against Creekstone," Bullard
said. "I think their argument is extremely weak and unfortunately it is
damaging the industry."

Bullard and Fielding said they know of other companies that would like to
emulate Creekstone's plan and test all their cattle as a way of tapping
into the export market. Creekstone plans to appeal USDA's decision, and
the other companies may come forward as the debate continues, they said.


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