A mouse has been created in the laboratory by a technique that does
away with the need for males in reproduction, a breakthrough that
raises the prospect of fatherless babies.

The mouse was generated from two unfertilised eggs and its birth has
demonstrated for the first time that it is possible for mammals to be
born by the "virgin birth" phenomenon of parthenogenesis.

Scientists said the mouse developed normally to adulthood and had
offspring of its own by normal sexual reproduction, showing
parthenogenesis could work on warm-blooded mammals, including humans.

Experts said the technique was far too complicated and risky to use on
humans. But if the problems can be overcome and if experiments on
other mammals can demonstrate the process can be made safe, there will
undoubtedly be pressure from some quarters to apply parthenogenesis to
treat human infertility. If so, it begs the question about the need to
have men involved in reproduction.

Tomohiro Kono, the scientist at Tokyo University who led the research,
dismissed the possibility of using parthenogenesis on humans as a
"senseless question".

Asked by The Independent whether it would be possible in theory to
produce a human baby by the same technique, Dr Kono replied: "No
answer for empty question. Very sorry."

The British team who created Dolly the cloned sheep was given a
licence last year by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
(HFEA) to activate human eggs using parthenogenesis to generate
embryonic stem cells, but not to produce embryos for implanting into a
woman's womb.

The HFEA said its decision was partly justified because human eggs
activated during parthenogenesis did not have the potential to develop
into a child, a statement now undermined by the Japanese research in
the journal Nature.

Parthenogenesis differs from the cloning technique used to create
Dolly because it results in embryos developing entirely from
unfertilised eggs rather than embryos resulting from eggs combined
with the ordinary cells of the body. Dr Kono's team used 598 mouse
eggs to generate enough viable embryos by parthenogenesis to
impregnate 26 females, resulting in 24 pregnancies.

Of the 10 live and 18 dead foetuses, two survived birth and just one
lived long enough to develop into an apparently normal adult female,
which the researchers have named Kaguya. In effect, Kaguya has two
genetic mothers. She was created by merging the chromosomes of a
genetically altered mouse with an egg from another mouse.

Until this study, it was thought to be impossible for mammals to
reproduce by parthenogenesis, a method of reproduction common in
reptiles and insects where identical female offspring can be quickly
produced when resources are limited. Dr Kono said his study had shown
that the crucial barrier to parthenogenesis in mice and other mammals
appeared to be a process of genetic "imprinting" when paternal and
maternal genes were selectively turned off and on.

Professor Alison Murdoch, chair of the British Fertility Society, said
imprinting was thought crucial in several stages in the development of
the human embryo. Understanding it better would elucidate disorders,
she said. "This is an important scientific development that will help
us understand genetic imprinting and why babies are born with

Dr Kono's team admitted many of the embryos and foetuses in the
parthenogenesis experiment were abnormal. Leading scientists said this
showed it was far too dangerous to use the technique for human

Martin Bobrow, professor of medical genetics at Cambridge University,
said: "Ethically, the arguments for and against applying this to human
beings would be much the same as for other cloning techniques. Whether
it is more or less safe remains to be seen."

Simon Best, chairman of the Biotechnology Industry Association in
Scotland, said the inefficiency and abnormalities of parthenogenesis
made it even more unacceptable than cloning. "The [study] shows that,
like cloning, another asexual form of reproduction is possible in mice
and may be possible in some other mammals," he said. "But this was
achieved with even lower efficiency than the cloning process used to
make Dolly, so it is even more unacceptable and unsafe to consider
using this for humans."

Professor Azim Surani, professor of physiology and reproduction at
Cambridge University, said: "This is an incredible achievement. The
process of creating these mice required perseverance and patience. But
from 600 eggs only two mice were created. This technique is far too
complicated to be used in humans."

Anne Ferguson-Smith, clinical director of Centres for Assisted
Reproduction, said the study showed parthenogenesis work-ed on only a
tiny proportion of mouse embryos. "This does not mean that males are
obsolete," she said. "The requirement for paternal chromosomes for
normal development is still with us."


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