Mike Lee wrote:

> What our MPs did to those prisoners in Iraq sucked. Whether it technically
> violated the conventions, I don't know or care. I'm proud of how the Bushies
> have sucked it up and taken their lumps. No, they haven't been perfect. Bush
> didn't say the A-word timely. Rumsfeld was a little defensive the first time
> he was confronted about it. But what the Chappaquiddick Kid did today was
> beyond shameful, and Rumsfeld was spot on, only losing his temper at
> stupidity a couple of times today. If you think the dog and pony show that
> went on today is going to play well with the voters, please keep thinking
> that. As a great man once said, Bring it on!

I missed what happened today.  What did Kennedy do?


but I can tell you in irritating detail what he did one day in February
1980 way too close to rush hour....

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