JDG wrote:
> At 07:52 AM 4/28/2004 -0400 David Hobby wrote:
> >As I recall, John Doe and Mike Lee appeared at about the same
> >time.  In my mind, this has turned into "Mike Lee appeared as
> >a response to John Doe".  (Look at the similarity of the names,
> >for instance.)
> For what's it worth, I have Mike Lee arriving about one month before John
> Doe.   Both seemed to have arrived rather quietly before eventually turning
> on the heat.   And like you, I did note that Mike Lee appeared to be the
> perfect foil for John Doe.    Almost like somebody wanted to see if a
> right-winger on the List could get banned as easily as a left-winger.

Unfortunately, John Doe seems to have been unmasked.  Could we 
tell Mike Lee that the Troll Experiment is over?


Mike Lee hasn't started spamming people offlist.  Or should I not
have mentioned that?  : )

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