David Hobby wrote:
> Julia Thompson wrote:
> ...
> > > The "Speling Simplifikashun Ak of 2004" was pasd by kongres and synd by
> > > President-for-life Bush right after the kansilashun of the elekshunz.
> > >
> ...
> > > In keeping with that spirit, this community is fairly relaxed about
> > > spelling errors. In fact, it may be the /only/ thing we're relaxed
> > > about. Try mentioning religion in a positive sense and see what I mean :-).
> >
> > You mean I've wasted maybe as much as 20 minutes so far this year
> > consulting the dictionary?  :)
> >
> >         Julia
> I'm with you there, Julia.  I do enough writing where the output
> must be good that I have to keep working on my spelling.  After
> awhile, it's hard to stop!

Actually, this is one of the only places I really worry about it. 
There's another mailing list on which I try to be careful, as well.

I'm not sure when I'll next be writing stuff for a more formal
audience.  Maybe it's good to stay in practice for that?
> Spellcheck makes it easier, but won still has two check four
> homophones...
>                                         ---David
> Who confesses to not reading posts with bad spelling/grammar.

I read them, but ones with bad spelling take me significantly longer,
and if one is too long, or there are too many of them, I start getting a
headache.  Bad grammar doesn't bother me as badly, as long as it's
reasonably consistent.

I don't use spellcheckers, except ones that call the misspellings to my
attention as I'm typing.  I caught one yesterday that way.  Dealing with
a dictionary is easier than customizing a spell checker to recognize
words it doesn't already have, at least for me.


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