----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 10:46 PM
Subject: Bishop Sheridan Re: Unitarians not a religion

> At 04:34 PM 5/23/2004 -0700 Deborah Harrell wrote:
> > It is my
> >understanding that part of the tax-exempt status of
> >religions is tied to the avoidance of direct political
> >action.  Is that at all correct?  If so, there is a
> >bit of a tempest brewing locally.
> >
> >Bishop Sheridan has stated that not only politicians,
> >but those who vote for them, should be refused
> >Communion if they support/do not oppose certain
> >issues:
> Let me begin by saying that I believe that Bishop Sheridan is wrong.
> believe his pastoral letter is both theologically incorrect, and as
> practical matter is counter-productive to his own goals.
> With that being said, for those who do not believe that the Catholic
> should be permitted to speak out against pro-choice politicians:
> -Do you believe that the Catholic Church is permitted to speak out
> White Supremacist politicians?
> -Do you believe that the Catholic Church should have spoken out
> National Socialist polticians in Germany?    Do you believe that the
> Catholic Church did speak out enough against those politicians?
> -If yes, can you explain why the Caholic Church is permitted and
> obligated to speak out against politicans who abuse the rights of
one class
> of persons but not politicians who abuse the rights of another class
> persons?

The Catholic Church should be able (and is) to speak out on any
subject it desires.
But threatening to refuse communion and/or excommunication goes far
beyond free speech. It is coercion.

Axis Deer Maru


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