> The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Secretary of State Colin Powell removed Sudan from a
> list of countries
> that cannot receive U.S. arms because they have
> failed to cooperate with
> the U.S. on international terrorism. He formally
> notified Congress of
> that decision with the publication Tuesday morning
> of a notice in the Federal Register.
> But Jemera Rone, a Human Rights Watch official who
> has worked on the
> Darfur situation, said it was "just appalling" for
> the U.S. government
> "to make any gesture toward Sudan like this." She
> also predicted the
> Sudanese government would hold it out to critics as
> "some sort of U.S. stamp of approval" for its
> actions. 

I've read several reports that the Arab militia act
with government troops, or with government-supplied
equipment, in what sounds like full-blown 'ethnic
cleansing' in Darfur.

"It is being called the world's worst humanitarian
crisis. Arab militia men have driven an estimate one
million black Sudanese villagers from their homes and
there have been massacres on an unknown scale. The
crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan has
finally caught the world's attention...

"...All the stories we heard were similar. No-one in
the refugee camps spoke of gun battles between
soldiers, only of massacres of civilians by the
Janjaweed militia - Arab militiamen often seen
fighting with the Sudanese government - or of
massacres resulting from aerial bombings of villages
by Sudanese government planes.  Every time I asked why
they thought this was being done to them, they said
the same thing: "It is because we are black..." 

"...Abdul was from a town called Deliege, where more
than 100 black men, he said, were taken off in
government trucks to a valley.  Abdul says he heard
the guns when more than 70 of them were executed by a
bullet to the back of the head.  He carried a list of
those who were killed at other similar massacres
nearby. The killings are still going on now..." 

Starvation for some is 'certain:'
"A catastrophe is now unavoidable in Sudan's Darfur
region, the United Nations and aid workers say. 
Some 300,000 people will starve, even if emergency aid
is delivered immediately, according to the head of the
United States aid agency.  Some 10,000 people have
died, and a million made homeless in a conflict
between rebels and Arab militias. 

UN officials blame Sudan's government, which they say
supports the militias as they rape and kill Darfur's
people.  "If we get relief in, we could lose a third
of a million. If we do not, it could be a million,"
said Andrew Natsios, head of USAid. The figures were
based on mortality and malnutrition rates, he said..."

If our government wants to 'reward' Sudan for
cooperating WRT terrorists, I think allowing them to
buy agricultural/medical supplies at a discount makes
much more sense than to buy weapons (US has already
pledged funds for food/relief).  Otherwise we'll be 
sending food for those driven out of their homes with
American-made arms...not a very reasonable official

All Humans Bleed Red Maru

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