----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Denton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: Request for Proposals

> On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 19:44:53 -0500, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Fool wrote:
> > > From: iaamoac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Would Israel do "the right thing"?
> >
> >        Julia
> Be kinda ironic, if that is the word I want,  if Israel dropped a nuke
> to take out Iran's plant.
> Now if Russia, China, England and France got together with us could we
> make Israel, Iran, Pakistan, India, and North Korea give up their
> bombs?
> Could some larger combination of them force just a couple others to
> give them up? You have a bit of a chance with Iran, it is a couple
> years away from having any and so is vulnerable to threats - high
> probability.. Too bad Bush doesn't like coalitions and international
> institutions.
> If I was someone in Iran I might be saying "Why are you picking on me
> you honky Zionist crusaders?"
> It has always been the GOP that has been against nuclear disarmament
> agreements.  They objected to the inspection plan the bastion of GOP
> thought is squawking about now. Let's see what they suggest as
> alternatives.  Whatever is done it would go so much better if it was
> going to be negotiated, something the macho crowd in charge hates.
> Gary Denton  - U maka the nu rules, you playa your new game Maru
> #1 on google for lemming nuclear easter

I tend to agree with Gary on this one, Iran would back away rather quickly
if a coalition said to pack up the reactor and go home. Though the Fool
would be correct in saying that bombing all of the suspected sites is the
"right" thing to do, it is most defiantly the worst thing that could ever be
done. Such a  unilateral move by the US would end up with a large amount of
Iranian forces crossing the border of Iraq and engaging the already over
stretched US forces there, the entire region would ignite, and a war to end
al wars would be witnessed by a generation that has seen no great conflict!

Nick "go UN go" Lidster



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