At 08:48 PM 6/14/2004 -0700 Doug Pensinger wrote:
>> Actually, the answer is that with Scalia recused they had a 4-4 vote on 
>> all other outcomes.
>I could be way out to lunch but I find it unlikely that they wouldn't just 
>say that they were unable to make a decision.  I find it much more likely 
>that they would avoid making a decision that is certain to be extremely 
>unpopular even if it was proper.

According to Supreme Court Historians itis common in cases where there has
been a recusal or absence for other reason to try and find the narrowest
grounds that provide for a decision.   Indeed, this is considered one of
the essential duties of the Chief Justice - to try and find such narrow
grounds that provide for a narrow decision rather than leaving things in

As for your theory, I would point out that three Justices wrote a
concurring opinion upholding the Pledge on Constitutional grounds.   Scalia
would surely have been a fourth vote for that opinion.



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