At 01:22 AM 6/16/2004 -0400 JDG wrote:
>At 11:17 AM 6/15/2004 -0500 Gary Denton wrote:
>>I don't know, I am a couple miles from a petrochemical plant and never
>>think about terrorists attacking it.
>Then again, you've probably never watched an airplane crash into an office
>building ten miles away from your present location on TV, and then had
>someone  knock on your office door and say "You Need to Leave the Building

I can't believe I forgot to add this, but.....

Then again, you've also probably not had people *die* at your local post
office in a bioterrorism attack - not have other workers at your local post
office suffer long-term debillitating health effects.

I am also guessing that you don't have a daily reminder of the threat of
bioterrorism in the form of your daily mail arriving on your desk only
after being irradiated.

I'm a little less sure of this, but I'm also guessing that your office does
not hold emergency preparedness drills on what to do in the event of a
biological, chemical, or radiolofical terrorist attack - or in the event of
terror-induced rioting outside your building.



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