Scientists zap atom across room

Scientists say that they have teleported an atom across a room for the
first time.
Teleporting is when something is taken apart and sent to another place
without any physical contact.

In the past, scientists have done this to laser light, but this is the
first time something solid has been teleported from one place to

Although this does not mean that we can do the same with humans, it
could revolutionise technology of the future.

'Beam me up'

Teleporting was first made famous is an old TV show called Star Trek.

Astronauts could be beamed down from the spaceship to a planet's

Using the same principle, it is hoped that this scientific
breakthrough could pave the way for superfast computers, called
"quantum computers".

These computers would perform extremely complicated calculations, but
would be only as small as the size of a sugar cube.


Moins Peripherals Maru



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