Russell Chapman wrote:

JDG wrote:

At 10:32 AM 8/7/2004 +0200 Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:

When it threatened to decrease the number of flock considerably or more to the point when contraception started interfering with the power base of the holy church.

Is it so inconceivable that maybe - just maybe - they sincerely believe
that God does not want us to engage in contraception?

Well, yes - if there's no basis for it. No scriptures, no tablets handed down from on high.

Do they sincerely believe we shouldn't take vitamins? That we shouldn't have remedial surgery. Why is some meddling with the body to improve quality of life OK but other meddling not OK?

Enter 'Jehova's witnesses'. NO MEDDLING with the body. Not even to save a childs life or to prevent serious and detrimental health problems (even in babies and little children) by as simple a thing as vaccination by oral injestion of vaccin.

GCU: It takes all kinds


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