On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 11:45:57PM -0400, JDG wrote:

> Due to this security breach, however, we now know that the terror
> alert was real, and based on breaking information.

We do?

How do you know the terror alert was based on information resulting
from using Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan? From what I have read, it is quite
possible that the terror alert was based on years old information, AND
that releasing Khan's name was yet another mistake by the incompetent
and/or dishonest Bush administration, but unrelated to the terror alert.


"No evidence" of imminent attack on US
Published: August 9 2004 18:56 | Last updated: August 10 2004 00:15
Financial Times

A senior Democrat who was briefed on the intelligence behind the US
government's latest terrorist alert came away largely unimpressed by its
quality, he said on Monday.

Joseph Biden, the ranking Democrat on the Senate foreign relations
committee, said he was not shown anything during an FBI briefing that
made him think there was an imminent threat to the US.

US government officials have hailed the recent capture of a computer
belonging to a suspected al-Qaeda operative in Pakistan as a big
breakthrough in the war against terrorism. White House officials said
arrests made around the world based on the information it contained had
disrupted current terrorist plots in the US and elsewhere.

But the White House's handling of the new intelligence came under
further attack on Monday following reports from London and Pakistan that
it had compromised operations by prematurely leaking the captive's name.

According to Pakistani intelligence officials cited by Reuters, Mohammad
Naeem Noor Khan had been co-operating with authorities there, sending
e-mails to operatives who could have uncovered dozens of al-Qaeda cells.

On Monday, Senator Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, asked the White
House whether the reports were true.

"I respectfully request an explanation to me, and any other Member of
Congress who might wish one, of who leaked this Mr Khan'sname, for what
reasonit was leaked, and whether the British and Pakistani reports that
this leak compromised future intelligence activity are accurate,. Mr
Schumer wrote to the White House.

"I have not seen any hard evidence that there was an active moment that
was contemplated in the very near term,. Mr Biden said on NBC television
on Monday.

"If there was a smoking gun that said we know for certain that was going
to occur, I didn't see it..

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