On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 04:58:48PM -0400, Bryon Daly wrote:

> AT&T and Cingular have some sort of deal with each other now.  I just
> got a new AT&T GSM phone 2 months ago and discovered I get virtually
> no AT&T GSM network reception with it at home or work.  I called them,
> and they told me that they have a deal with Cingular so I can use
> their network just like AT&Ts - no roaming fees, etc.  I'm guessing
> they probably need to keep fairly up to date with each other to do
> that.  (Or maybe not - who knows?)

Heh. Cingular owns AT&T Wireless. Bought them for $41B earlier this

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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