
Children of criminals to be 'targeted' and 'tracked' By Marie Woolf
,Chief Political Correspondent 
16 August 2004

Children of criminals are to be "targeted" and "tracked" from an early
age by the Government to prevent them following their parents into a life
of crime, as part of a campaign to tackle the next generation of

In an offensive on youth crime, a programme to prevent 125,000 children
whose fathers are in prison from joining them in jail, is being planned
by the Home Office.

In an interview with The Independent, Hazel Blears, the Policing
minister, says she is optimistic that "tracking" and "targeting" can help
prevent children becoming criminals like their parents.

Studies showed that children with criminal fathers and "under-achievers"
who grow up in local authority care have a significant chance of turning
to crime themselves.

"About 125,000 kids have got a dad in prison. That's a huge risk factor.
Something like 65 per cent of those kids will end up in prison
themselves," she said. "We need to track the children who are most at
risk. We can predict the risk factors that will lead a child into
offending behaviour." However, she is aware the plan, based on research
showing children of criminals are far more likely to end up in jail than
their peers, may lead to accusations they are being unfairly singled out.

"I don't think it is stigmatising those children by targeting them," she
said. "You can intervene at an early age and say 'your life can be
different and we will help you and your parents make your life
different.' Let's put the support in as early as we can."

The Policing minister has been in talks with Margaret Hodge, the minister
for Children, about an early intervention scheme to prevent children of
burglars, muggers, and gangsters from breaking the law.

She wants to use methods used in Labour's Sure Start programme for
under-fives in deprived areas to give extra support to children from
criminal backgrounds.

Children would be tracked by the authorities from the time they are in
nappies to their teenage years with extra support and help to nip
disruptive behaviour in the bud.

One study showed that the most violent offenders began to display bad
behaviour as young as six. Another study which tracked children into
adult life found "under-controlled" children who exhibited disruptive
behaviour at the age of three were four times more likely to be convicted
of violent offences.

"If you can tackle the 125,000 kids with dads in jail by providing extra
support and help there's a chance," Ms Blears said. Teenagers with
criminal fathers would be monitored and offered extra support at school
and by social services as well as being introduced to sport, drama and
other after-school activities.

"You can get the parents into parenting classes. We can get some of the
older kids involved in arts, sports drama. Give them something to succeed
at. If you go to school every day and everybody tells you you are rubbish
you are never going to succeed," she said.

Ms Blears also wants to see a crackdown on violence and bullying in
schools. Studies show classroom bullies are more likely to be involved in
muggings, car theft and attacks outside school. "I don't think you can
afford to let it go. It's a bit like zero tolerance," she said.

The judicial system should help offenders, including drug addicts who rob
to fuel their habit, to change their ways. But if they refuse to change,
the police should provide a "hostile environment" for them.

"We will help you change your life but if you want to go back to robbing
we will be on your doorstep," she said.

Meanwhile, children up to the age of five are to be kept in prison with
their mothers at Cornton Vale, near Stirling, it emerged yesterday.

The Christian church, in its attitude toward science, shows the mind of a
more or less enlightened man of the Thirteenth Century. It no longer
believes that the earth is flat, but it is still convinced that prayer
can cure after medicine fails.


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