On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 08:22:00 -0400, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:54 AM 9/9/2004 -0700 Dave Land wrote:
> >Former Texas Lt. Gov. Ben "helping George Bush get into the National
> >Guard was the worst thing I ever did" Barnes was to be interviewed.
> ....he forgot to add "the worst thing I ever did before becoming a Kerry
> fundraiser."
> ;-)

I would imagine he thinks "since helping that loud mouth kid from the
White House's mother raise money for her election."  Like many
old-style Texas dino Democrats he often supports GOP candidates.

That was the least interesting and new part of the story and Dan
Rather did not do an effective interview.  Barnes has stated since
1999 he helped Bush bypass a waiting list and get in.  The Bush
carefully parsed response has always been "no one from *my family*"
talked to Barnes.

The big news was the apparent documents from Bush's superior in the
Texas Air National Guard detailing Bush disobeying orders, ceasing
attending required meetings, pressure from his superiors to white wash
and sugar coat Bush reviews.

Gary Denton
#2 on google for liberal news
"I don't try harder"

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