On Sep 10, 2004, at 3:39 PM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

Warren Ockrassa wrote:

1) Following September 11th, it was clear that letting failed States
fester posed a threat to the United States.

Oh quit it. What about North Korea, Pakistan or the rapidly re-emergent
Russia? I find it baffling that those who advocate bombing the hell out
if Iraq always seem to blithely overlook these other, much greater and
more significant threats.

Russia? They showed a great restraint in the use of nukes for 50+ years.
In fact, they are the _most_ peace-loving owners of nukes of Earth!

No argument there, but I was referring to ... oh, I just get some fairly uneasy impressions of late. The last year or so has seen some familiar patterns surfacing from "the former USSR".

Probably doesn't mean much. Still, I wonder just how dead totalitarianism is on the Eurasian steppes...

-- WthmO

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