Horn, John wrote


I would NOT suggest the Songs of Ice and Fire series by George R. R.
Martin.  I really liked it but it is a VERY mature series and might
not be right for a 14 year old.  Lots of sex (LOTS) and gory


Odd.  I don't remember the sex; sex doesn't bother me in print or on screen,
so it must not have made an impression.  The violence is definitely there,
throughout the book--and "gory" pretty much sums it up.

One other thing, George R. R. Martin is very unkind to his characters; he
doesn't play favorites, even with the ones a reader may take for the good

Still, I would've let my daughter read them when she was 14, but she was
rather mature then and would have talked to me about the books.  Your call.
If in doubt, you still have the other recommendations for her to read.

Good luck with the teenage daughter--everyone needs that :-)

George A


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