At 09:08 PM 9/30/2004 -0700 Damon Agretto wrote:
>> Thank goodness, I think we've still got a fighting
>> chance.
>Have to say I'm not quite as confident... :(

Both of you two need to stop being quite so foolish.   

Since when did a 5-6 point lead in the polls on October 1st become

And since when did Bush become so silver-tongued that Democrats can
consider him to be such a particularly tough debater?    Let's face it, if
Gore doesn't score an own-goal last year with his gratuitous and insulting
sighing, he wins those debates hands-down..... and given the 537-vote
margin of the election, that could have been enough to win.

Don't get me wrong, I am standing by my original prediction for this
election - but all this talk about how Kerry is on life support is wholly a
product of an over-satured news market that feels the need to make
definitive pronouncements about *everything*.

(As an aside, Gore was considered the winner of the debate in those polls
four years ago too.... but I think that Gautam is right, and that the
"storyline" coming out of the debate seems to be that this was one of the
best debates ever, and was either a draw to a slight Kerry win (but not a
big enough win to alter the dynamics of the race.))   

But anyhow, C'mon, 5-6 points is so insurmountable?    And what evidence is
out there that Ohio or Florida has suddenly become unwinnable for the

On the other hand, if y'all are ready to give up, I'd be happy to have the
Republicans accept your surrender. ;-)

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03


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