During the Presidential Debate Bush made what may be his most costly
error- he exposed that he’s using an earpiece to help him answer
debate questions.

In the middle of an answer bush said, "now let me finish" as if
someone was interrupting him - yet nobody did - he was talking to the
person in his earpiece.

Listen to the mp3 yourself- or watch the video at c-span

ffwd to 40 min 30 sec

There is an mp3 with the audio at NYC indymedia

I’ve been thinking for years that we need something major to blow this
scam wide open, like Bush exposing himself on national tv. Last night
he did just that.

The ’let me finish’ quip was clearly bush talking to someone (probably
Rove) in his earpiece- saying ’let me finish’ (before you give me the
next answer).

He blows it 60 seconds into his 90 second reply- so no warning lights
had gone off and the moderator had not motioned for him to end as
there was plenty of time left.

There is really no other plausible explanation for this huge blunder-
who was he telling to ’let him finish’? The voices in his head?

Is he talking to God again? Shouldn’t this be enough to warrant a
major investigation of some sort- bush is so incompetent he needs an
earpiece to speak in public!

The entire Bush regime is a house of cards- let this be the first card
pulled from the bottom tier - send this fool and his evil cabal to the
ICC for War Crimes.

This info has been sent to the Kerry campaign, will they do anything
with it?

If it were Kerry’s blunder, you know Bush’s team would be all over

If Kerry won’t do the same, one must ask- why not?


Ha Ha Ha Maru



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