This interesting article came out in the Dept. of Defense internal portal
news area. It is interesting to me that the DoD will block sites like this
but not sites like eBay or American Idol...  I also noticed that their
justification for blocking was because it contains "political/religious
material." I guess that means that all websites for G. Bush should be
blocked as well as they contain political/religious material.

Military base blocks anti-secrecy website

WASHINGTON, Oct 07, 2004 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- A U.S.
Air Force base has blocked Internet access to an anti-secrecy in government
Web site, the Project on Secrecy in Government reported. 

Federation of American Scientists' project director Steve Aftergood said
Hill Air Force Base in Utah has installed a filter to block the web site
from government computers on the grounds it contains "political/religious

The site gets approximately 70,000 hits a day -- many of them military --
and is dedicated to challenging "excessive government secrecy" and
"promoting public oversight." 

An example of its work includes publishing two Congressional Research
Service reports on the Foreign Intelligence Program, as in the latest issue
of its newsletter: "As a matter of policy, CRS prohibits direct public
access to publications like these. As a matter of policy, Secrecy News 
disregards the CRS prohibition." 

Computers presumably not blocked by Hill AFB servers can access the site at:


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