--- Damon Agretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You know, nothing makes me want to vote Democrat
> more than the idea Gautam 
> just expressed about the "left," or the Republican
> campaign commercials 
> talking about "Kerry and his Liberal friends." Makes
> me want to replace 
> "liberal" with "Communist" and I think I can really
> see where this is 
> going. So Gautam, when you posted your message were
> you also thinking about 
> *me* when you talked about the true motivations of
> the "left?"

No, but I don't see any signs that you _are_ a member
of the left, Damon.  As opposed to a liberal, a very,
very, very different thing.  Now, if you were to start
talking about the greatness of Noam Chomsky's
politics...I'd think someone had taken over your
e-mail account.  This would be unlikely.  But if you
were to write a post saying, say, the US deserved the
attacks on 9/11 - a common sentiment on the European
left soon after 9/11 (read the whole text of Le
Monde's editorial on 9/11, for example, which implies
basically that after the ostensibly sympathetic
headline) then I'd start to wonder.  But I know you,
and I know you don't believe that at all.

As for Kerry and his liberal friends...some of Kerry's
supporters are, in fact, emblematic members of Jeanne
Kirkpatrick's old "blame America first crowd". 
Michael Moore springs to mind, among others.  He is
not well-served by some of his supporters at all, and
his notable unwillingness to even pretend to condemn
them (compare this with President Clinton's highly
admirable decision to condemn Sister Souljah during
the 1992 campaign, or President George H.W. Bush's
resigning his NRA membership after they described
Federal Agents as "jack-booted thugs") makes
critiquing him for their statements seem entirely
legitimate to me.  The head of the DNC, for example,
has publicly stated his belief that we invaded
Afghanistan to build an oil pipeline there.  Kerry had
the power to do something about that.  He did not. 
This is a striking failure on his part, and it _is_ a
problem and a reason not to vote for him.  President
Clinton showed, when he was running, that he was not
captive of the more repugnant members of his party's
extreme.  This was a strong point in his favor. 
Senator Kerry has done exactly the opposite - he seems
to be trying very hard to suggest, atleast some of the
time, that he _is_ captive of the more distasteful
members of his party's extreme, and that is a problem.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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