Ray Moses wrote:
> ________________________________
> From: Ray Moses
> Sent: Sun 10/24/2004 9:42 PM
> Subject: mission to the sun
> 40 years ago I worked on the Apollo/Saturn. One of the things we
> proposed at that time was sending an appropriately modified capsule
> to the photosphere.

I live across the road from JSC.

> The scientific community explained that we would not sample the
> photosphere since the capsule would be surrounded by outgassed
> ablative materials.

Could you not have a chamber filled with aerogel that opens only on
the sunward side for a sample return?

> Since then solar seismology has developed. Sound waves will
> travel through outgassed materials.  I would like the resurrect
> that idea of a mission to the sun.  Any comments, criticisms?

Sure, why not? But would it help if it were piggybacked onto a Mercury
rendevous mission?

Solar Minimum Is Coming Maru


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