
OK, I agree that we cannot stop all terrorist-type activities.  But, I
think it is a reasonable long term stretch goal to reduce terrorists to
just another type of criminal...without the ability to alter society.

First of all, I'd like to commend both you and my old friend Nick for carrying on one of the most gentle, meaningful, and respectful dialogs that it has been my good fortune to experience on Brin -L. Both of you seem to be genuinely interested in understanding, not just changing the other. A wonderful rarity in our fiercely divided world.

Secondly, allow me to observe that your statement is nearly identical
to one by a certain senator from Massachusetts, for which he received
much criticism. In these polarized times (we're on a WAR FOOTING, for
God's sake. TERRIBLE things could happen to you if you are not in a
state of CONSTANT FEAR!), it is apparently unacceptable to express
anything short of unwavering certitude on absolutes.

While I quite agree with your "reasonable long-term stretch goal," of
reducing terrorism to just another type of crime, I doubt very much
that, even if we were reduce the threat of terrorism to the extent that
you and Senator Kerry suggest -- a mere nuisance for most folks most
of the time, rather than the central focus of our effort as a nation
-- we will not alter its ability to alter society.

Terrorism's "ability to alter society" is partly a result of the
strength (or cleverness or fearlessness or ...) of the terrorists.
But it is at least as much the result of our willingness to allow
it to alter our society.

I find the current administration lacking /any/ will to prevent
terrorism from altering society. In fact, the current administration
has actively and assertively /granted/ terrorism its ability to
alter society and enhanced its ability to do so. This administration
/wants/ terrorism to be able to alter society.

The current administration came in with the intent to alter society.
It was unwittingly (I hope) helped in that task by the terrorist acts
of a certain date a couple of years ago. A pack of Saudi terrorists
hijacked planes on the date of 9/11. A pack of Robin Hood-in-Reverse
thieves then hijacked society on the basis of 9/11.



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