--- Robert

your sentiments are generous.  But the objectionable
parts of the following are not only the first part:

> "As for the opposite side...I am on the side of the
> United States of America.  If you choose to be on
> the
> opposite side from me, that's your choice.  I can
> say
> that at least I'm on the side that tolerates
> disagreement, is able to talk with people without
> insulting them, and is interested in rational
> argument.  So I'm pretty comfortable with that side.
> If you want to join us, it's always open."

The unbelievable sanctimony of claiming that one
"side" favors motherhood and apple pie... oops I mean
rational argument... while the other does not.  It is
typical. "Wrap me in the flag boys and goll dang
anyone who's a'gin us!"

To call it "rational argument" when you deliberately
tell falsehoods about other peoples' views.  Then use
a DOZEN sophistries in just forty words....

You are right, Robert.  Enough.

I am starting to see light at the end of this tunnel. 
Kerry's plurality will have to be much larger than
Gore's was, to get past the incredible, organized
campaign of election cheating that's underway, unlike
anything that any of us have seen in all of our lives.

But I am starting to believe it will happen.  

We're going to take back civilization.

By the way, look at:

Judge a man by the company he keeps.

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