OK, but if what you're saying is that an 18 division all volunteer army is possible; we could recruit enough people to fill the ranks, then why didn't we start doing it after 9/11?

I'm not saying that an all volunteer 18 division army is possible, it has been done! Prior to GW1 and after Vietnam/end of draft, that's essentially what we had.

As for why we didn't, I'm not sure. I blame Rumsfeld and Bush for (IMHO) gross underestimation of what an Iraq war will require. I'm pretty sure (speculation) Rummy wanted to get off "cheap" and do more with less.

I agree with both points _providing_ that it isn't possible for a George W. Bush to get favorable treatment because his Daddy's rich and well connected; everyone rich or poor stands the same chance of being on the front lines.

Absolutely. That was my point about the spoiled suburbanite teen. I also think it would be good for some nascent inner-city gangbanger too.

Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
Now Building: Legends Aussie Centurion Mk.5/1


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