----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Brin: Purple America

> This also is true. The important thing, though, is not the gap between
> the US and EU militaries, but between the EU militaries and anybody
> they're likely to fight. It seems to me (although I'm not even remotely
> a military analyst!) that the gap in effectiveness between European
> forces and those of potential adversaries is increasing in size even if
> not at the rate at which American forces are gaining in relative
> superiority.

I can understand this, but one question remains to me.  In the '90s,
Western European forces were ineffective projecting force as far as Bosnia.
When the trouble in the Balkins was started, Europe gave every indication
of wanting to take the lead, and I felt that this was a very reasonable
policy.  For a number of reasons, including political ones of course, they
didn't take the lead, and required the US to handle the situation.  Indeed,
the Dutchbat report criticized Clinton for not ordering Europe around.

This was the foundation of my point.  Europe's inability to project force
now is political as well as material.  In 11 years, they may have advanced
to the point that, given unbelievable political union and an a US which is
unwilling to help, they can project force to enforce their will on one
subject or another.  But, it is also apparent to me that the relative power
of Europe should start declining very soon.  The EU has grown by accepting
Eastern Europe, but the last real target for expansion is a rapidly
shrinking Russia (the European public  won't stand for Turkey in the EU).
Maybe there will be a brief window (say '15 to '25) where Europe can back
up an independant foreign policy with the ability to project force, but I
think that it will fade long before the US stops being the lone superpower.

Dan M.


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