----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Damon Agretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: More hypocrisy on display than skin

> > Yup....a disproportionate number of prostitutes, and
> > strippers for that
> > matter, have been the victim of childhood sexual
> > abuse. Or, do you think
> > its OK for a parent to have sex with their 5 year
> > old girl?
> >
> > Also, if you look at the lives of prostitutes, the
> > working conditions of
> > prostitutes, the probability of their bosses
> > physically abusing them
> > compared to those employed, say, as dental
> > assistants, the rate of drug
> > addiction among prostitutes, the rate of sexually
> > transmitted diseases,
> > etc.  The fields of social work, family therapy,
> > abuse prevention, etc.
> > have labeled these as "unhealthy."  I'm not sure if
> > you are arguing that
> > prostitutes do not have higher rates of these
> > unhealthy conditions and
> > behaviors or if you are arguing that
> How much of this evidence is skewed in favor of areas
> where prostitution os illegal? What sort of evidence
> do you have in areas were prostitution IS legal (such
> as Nevada, The Netherlands, etc)? The fact that
> prostitution is illegal in the US, and furthermore is
> stigmatized, I think it would be logical to conclude
> that these factors would be major contributors to the
> "unhealthy" aspects of prostitution.

A quick survey finds the following sites:


which is a governmental  report on legalized prostitution in the
Netherlands.  It quotes studies, but does not quote evidence that the
decriminalization has resulted in a decrease in the negative aspects of
prostitution.  It does mention high drug use among prostitutes, with over
40% of people treated for severe drug use being prostitutes and 80% of the
streetwalkers being drug addicts.  Residents of brothels are said to have
lower incidence of drug use, but no firm figures were given.  This is the
most positive report I found.

There is also


which gives arguments against legalized prostitution, including at least
some research to back it up.  It is clearly the web site of an advocacy
group, but one can look at the studies they have quoted.

A  site that is interlocked with this one is:


it provides more references that can be followed.


Also, at


we see that sex trafficking, which often involves actual slavery, has
Germany as a prime location.  Prostitution is legal in Germany.

Then we see that, where prostitution has been legalized, ties to organized
crime remains:


All of these reports dovetails with the work my wife has done with

So, I'd conclude that a preliminary review of the evidence indicates that
legalization does not remove problems with prostitution.

Dan M.


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