On Nov 29, 2004, at 5:23 PM, Erik Reuter wrote:

What I find amusing is that I think Dan's view of prostitution is
actually extremely similar in many ways to my view of religion: Sure,
there may be a small number of people doing okay at it, but mostly it is
full of really messed up people.

As a long-time Christian, I couldn't agree with you more. As it turns out,
a central fact of a mature understanding of Christianity is that it *is*
mostly full of really messed-up people. It's rather like a hospital in that

The widespread popularity of a juvenile form of Christianity whose
adherents deny that they are really messed-up causes most of the trouble.

The point of Christianity is that we are unable to overcome our
messed-up-ness on our own, but a supremely loving God reached through
our messed-up-ness to make a way for us to be united with each other
and with Him.

I guess the religion fungus can only reliably grow in the dark.

Religion is a fungus, but it's OK for some people? I guess so: like many others, I eat fungi on pizza, in spaghetti sauce, and so forth. They're quite tasty sauteed with garlic and onions.


PS: I do not advocate sautéing Christians with garlic and onions.


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