On Dec 8, 2004, at 11:42 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

I think sometimes that there is a feeling among those with faith that
atheists are underinformed or don't know what they're turning away from,
or why, etc. Also that an atheist regards religious teachings as
worthless. I don't; I consider them as worthy of consideration as any
philosophical proposition. And I do have a clue what it is I've lain
aside, and not just in terms of Christian faiths.

Actually, I think that many people who advertise themselves as Christians
would do very well to emulate the seriousness that some atheists apply to
thinking about their beliefs. The stereotype of the "True Believer" who
never examines his or her beliefs is all too accurate in some circles.

"Which Ten Commandments?" From Positive Atheism:


I hadn't seen that one before. The PDF is interesting but only seems to
suggest, mostly, that there are multiple interpretations of Abrahamic
teachings. Well, now that I think about it, maybe that's news to many.
(My mother used to think until a few years ago that the canonical
gospels were authored by contemporaries of Jesus -- that is, more or
less eyewitness accounts written in his lifetime or shortly soon after.
This is probably not an atypical view in the US. And probably one reason
why so many seem to take religious teaching so seriously.)

Sometimes it takes someone outside a system of thought to help those within see it clearly. One of the things I like about being a Methodist is that the denomination prides itself on open-mindedness. I'm certain that my pastor would appreciate the article "Modern Versions of (or Replacements For) The Ten Commandments" at http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_10c2.htm.

I was especially impressed with the "Ten Commandments for the Third
Millennium" on that page, which begins: "1. Respect and worship any
deity within your faith tradition, if you follow one. Value and support
the right of others to do the same." We could do with a little bit more
of that around here from time to time, I think.

Thanks again, Warren, for getting me out of my usual ruts of thinking.



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