At 06:59 PM 12/8/2004 -0800 Dave Land wrote:
>>> (Did I just hear right?  We put in charge of the agency charged with
>>> defending the US against terrorism, a man who was a lackey for the
>>> only country and regime that ever succeeded in perpetrating a major
>>> terror attack upon our soil?
>> Funny, I thought that regime was Taliban-occupied Afghanistan....
>I believe David is referring to the fact that Osama Bin Laden
>and virtually every one of the 9/11 crew were Saudis.

I kind of gathered that too... but that isn't what Dr. Brin said, now is
it?    He said that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ordered and executed 9/11.    

Under this "logic", certain conspiracy theorists are right - the US did
blow up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.   After all,
Americans planned, ordered, and executed the terrorist attack!


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