----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: "God Is With Us" L3

> On Dec 13, 2004, at 10:18 PM, JDG wrote:
> > At 09:26 PM 12/10/2004 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
> >>> The one following that is "When will Congress impeach Bush?"
> >>
> >> Never until the people in this country wake up to the fact that
> >> they're
> >> getting reamed.
> >
> > Which bears a remarkable similarity to right-wingers who similarly
> > waited
> > for the American people to "wake up" to Clinton's malfeasances.
> Bill Clinton got a blow job.
> George Bush lied to congress and the citizens of the United States to
> go to war against a country that had never attacked us.
> This is ridiculous.

What do you think about FDR's lies? Were they immoral, or was secretly
protecting British ships justified...given the likelihood that we would
eventually have had to face the winner of the German/Soviet war?  Did he
well represent (or did he actually realize) that he was forcing Japan into
a corner by prohibiting the sale of oil to Japan.  Japan needed oil to keep
its industrial base going, it needed to either conquer  Indochina or get
the US to start shipping again.  What were the US's demands for restarting
the oil shipment, or was oil included in the boycott unintentionally or
without fully thinking through the consequences.

It's easy for me as well as you to see why lying about the progress in 'Nam
and the intelligence about Iraq was wrong.  But, I think Gautam's question
about FDR is worth considering. In short, was there an important difference
between FDR's lies and those of LBJ and GWB, or were all wrong? Is it that
LBJ and GWB et. al. also lied to themselves?

Dan M.


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