Hah! I finally figured it out! What I was doing was trying to connect with SSL, which uses a different port from normal NNTP connections. So I set it back to insecure connection, and that finally did the trick!
Thanks anyway.

Nick Arnett wrote:
maru wrote:

I feel like following in the steps of others using this list for tech support...
Lately, using Thunderbird 1.0, I've been having serious problems connecting to Optimum Online's USENET server after a while of doing just fine. It's not my bandwidth, I still receive all my other traffic fine, but Thunderbird keeps giving me error messages that it is timing out in connecting to Optonline's server.

I don't use Thunderbird very often to check news servers and I haven't seen this. If I were you, I'd try another news client when Thunderbird is timing out, to see if it's your client or the server that's acting up. Are you hitting other news servers without timeouts?

I had to write a fair bit of timeout management in my news robots, as servers can become awfully slow when they're busy. But that's usually just on "open" news servers. If this is something you pay for, it shouldn't get overloaded very often if they're a good outfit.




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