At Sunday 10:25 PM 1/2/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 1/2/2005 8:03:33 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oh, great!  I have been off-line for the past several days (dead computer
and recurring bronchitis), so I haven't been able to keep up .

Shouldn't people have apachitis?

Since the brontosaurus has been renamed the apatosaurus.....

Given that "apatosaurus" means "deceptive lizard" . . .


Big bowl of chicken soup.

I've had a few of those. And several glasses of orange juice. At least after I stopped feeling queasy at the very idea of eating anything (and of course the instructions on the antibiotics read "take with food"). I suspect that popping four ibuprofen at a time every few hours until the pain in every muscle and joint of both arms and my torso finally lessened enough that I was able to get to sleep after two days of lying there unable to sleep except for a couple of times about an hour each time, then sleeping much of the next two days and only getting up occasionally for an hour or so did more good than the chicken soup.

Maybe instead of the orange juice I should have gotten V-8 juice and added some cayenne pepper to see if that would have burned it out of me any faster . . .

BTW, they call it "chronic bronchitis" because it recurs over and over. Most of the time, "chronic bronchitis" is what they call a "smoker's cough." Great: I got the disease without even getting to enjoy getting it . . .

-- Ronn!  :)


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