On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 17:24:02 -0600, Ronn!Blankenship
> At Thursday 03:26 PM 1/6/2005, Nick Arnett wrote:
> >So... I like this:
> >
> >http://www.glennbeck.com/tribute.htm
> >
> >It's a montage of photos from Iraq and some beautiful music by a Mormon 
> >choir.
> >
> >But as I look at Glenn Beck's web site, I can see that he's a radio
> >commentator... and so odds are, he's conservative... but I sure can't get
> >a handle on his views.  He wrote a book, "The Real America," which
> >promises that after reading, we'll understand why Jesse Jackson and Yasser
> >Arafat are really the same person, among other things.
> >
> >He's described at a compassionate conservative on the Amazon pages about
> >his book.
> >
> >Maybe it's just a bad idea to try to pigeon-hole him or anybody else...
> >
> >Anybody here actually familiar with him?
> I can't stand to listen to his program, proving that not all seemingly
> conservative Mormons come from the same mold . . .

He is pursuing the same audience as O'Reilly, very right-wing who says
he is moderate but anyone who doesn't agree with him is not a "real
American."  More religious than most, can occasionally be funny.

Gary Denton

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