At 10:53 PM 1/18/2005 -0600 Dan Minette wrote:

Here are the numbers for debt held by the Public as a percentage of GDP
held at the end of each term:

>'46                   109%
>Truman              62%
>Eisenhower  I      52%
  Eisenhower II     46%
>Kennedy I           40%
>Johnson             33%
>Nixon I               27.3%
>Ford                  27.5%
>Carter                26%
>Reagan I           34%
  Reagan II           41%
>GHW Bush        48.2%
>Clinton I             48.5%
>Clinton II                 35%
>2002               34%.
>2004 (prelim?)    37%

>I'll be happy to agree that from Truman on, real debt reduction was
>bipartisian.  But, it is clear that Reagan and the two Bushes raised the
>debt tremendously.

Not so clear in terms of debt held by the public.



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