WARNING - VERY minor spoilers of the first three episodes below....

> I liked the Galactica miniseries, but it felt emotionally 
> distant.  I did not have that same feeling with Friday's 
> episodes.  I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the 
> series, and perhaps having a bit of discussion here about it, 
> if enough people are interested.
> MD

The miniseries had to cram a complex plot - along with complex and involved
character dynamics,  into three hours, so they were bound to miss out on

However, as William mentioned, the episodes don't seem to suffer from that
same problem.

I am still undecided about the side story of Helio on Caprica. I am not
quite sure where it is going. I do like the sudden discovery by Number 6
that she has emotions, wants and dislikes. I think that story arc will be
very interesting.   I also like the inner conflict that Boomer is dealing
with now that she suspects that she is a Cylon. I like her character, I
would hate to see them kill her off.

Also, on the "Male Pig" level, what's not to like about watching Tricia
Helfer walk around in the tight dresses and a really short towel after the
hot tub? :-)

By the way, I know that they film in Canada, but I would love to find out
the location of the balcony that Baltar and Number 6 were on after she got
out of the hot tub. This is the balcony that was overlooking a lake and
mountain range.



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