* Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> If there is a crisis today, then a big correction is needed now.  But
> if the crisis is many years away, as virtually every analysis says,
> then there is no need for major change.

Yeah, yeah, the longer you put off fixing the problem the more your
generation can take from the coming generations.

I've asked you before, and you have repeatedly failed to answer. If the
problem is such a small one, then will you champion to your generation
the measure of taking an immediate, across the board cut to 73% of
current SS benefits? That would bring the system into long term balance.

Of course, you can keep up your head-in-the-sand approach and get your
full 100% while forcing the coming generations to take the cut.

Here's a cutesy metaphor for you, since I know you'd rather play around
deciding what to call the problem instead of actually doing something
about it: your child is only getting 73% of the calories required for
good health. Do you make a "small correction" and up that to 78%, or do
you fix the problem, and give them 100%?

> Making any sort of big correction today will be mostly wasted effort  
> (in terms of its benefit to Social Security).

Absurd. Fixing the problem today is efficient, fair, prudent, and
fiscally responsible. It is only wasted effort to people like you who
want to keep taking from the next generation, since fixing the problem
today means you can't take more than your fair share.

> And I'm going to ignore those who use guilt trips about child abuse,
> robbing from future generations, and the silly idea that if I don't
> agree that it's a crisis, I thereby favor doing nothing at all.

Of course, since you haven't said what you do favor doing, despite being
asked repeatedly, it would seem you DO favor doing nothing at all.

You know, Nick, you don't have to beat your child to be a child abuser.
Negligence counts too. You can keep denying it if you like, but if the
shoe fits...

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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