From: Warren Ockrassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <>
Subject: Re: Bill Moyers: There is no tomorrow
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 19:09:51 -0700

On Feb 1, 2005, at 3:48 PM, Deborah Harrell wrote:

I think another fear involved is that of feeling/being
inferior.  I have no studies to back this, but the
sample of extremist fundamentalists I personally know
*definitely* feel insecure about their own worth.

They're supposed to. They're supposed to remember all the time that they're unworthy, that it is through god's grace they're saved. Basically worthless pond scum. And you get to hear it from them too. "I was the absolute worst person ever until I got saved..."

Their entire self-worth depends on this silly, painfully childish belief system being true. And if reality happens to suggest it's not, why, reality is clearly at fault.

What so puzzles me about those who need/demand
Absolute Certainty, is that my own faith - while it
_can_ be  comforting - constantly challenges my
personal 'zone of comfort.'

Interesting (I think) aside -- those who yert the most loudly about faith are usually the ones trying hardest to find *proof*.

It is a goad when I feel
complacent, a prickle when I become too
doesn't tell me that I am superior, but snaps that I
can be better than I am now.

Hmm, too much humor to be Catholic. Too specific to be Unitarian. To accepting to be Muslim. So what's that leave?

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