
Genetically modified plants may be the green solution for cleaning up
contaminated soils.

The results of a successful field trial in California last year were
published last week in the online arm of Environmental Science &
Technology. They showed that genetic engineering boosted a plant's
ability to absorb selenium, a toxic heavy metal, by 430 percent.

"It was our first trial, and we were surprised at how well it worked,"
said study author Norman Terry, a professor of plant and microbial
biology with the University of California, Berkeley.

Phytoremediation -- the use of plants to absorb or break down
contaminants -- has been used over the past decade with varying
success. Genetic engineering offers the potential to ramp up the
slow-growing phytoremediation industry with a new generation of
toxin-cleaning super plants.

Terry chose Indian mustard, a fast-growing plant with natural
abilities to tolerate toxic soils. He genetically enhanced the plant's
ability to convert selenium into a nontoxic form. That allowed the
plants to accumulate more of the contaminant without being killed.

The test plants were grown outside in heavily contaminated soils taken
from the San Luis Drain, a concrete-lined canal that was used to
channel irrigation wastewater from Central Valley farms until the
pollution starting killing birds. In conditions that would kill other
plants, the genetically modified mustard thrived, doing nearly as well
as the non-modified control plants in normal soil, Terry said.

Selenium contamination is a serious problem in California's Central
Valley and other farmlands in the West that use irrigation water. As
it evaporates, low levels of selenium in the water build up in the
soil year after year. Selenium is considered an essential trace
mineral for both humans and animals, but it becomes toxic at high
doses. As much as 2.6 million acres of Western agricultural land are
considered susceptible to selenium contamination, according to a U.S.
Department of the Interior study (.pdf).

"Phytoremediation is very cheap compared to bulldozing the soil and
carting it off for landfill or to some decontamination facility," said

His success so far is just a "proof of concept" and not good enough to
consider commercially. The next step is to turn the mustard into a
super-duper selenium vacuum and magnify its absorption abilities
100-fold. Terry thinks he may already have the solution. Instead of
engineering the plant to absorb more selenium, he plans to enable the
Indian mustard to transform selenium into a harmless gas and release
it from the leaves.

"We've been able to do it with plants in the lab," he said. An
application to grow the new plants outside is before the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, but obtaining permission is "very
difficult," he said.

That's as it should be, said Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist
with the Center for Food Safety.

"We don't know enough about the unintended effects of genetic
engineering," said Gurian-Sherman. The toxicity of plants can change,
or a modified plant could interbreed with wild plants, he said. "What
happens when an insect eats one of these plants, and then something
else eats that insect?

"Just because GM plants could be used in phytoremediation doesn't
absolve them from careful safety assessments," said Gurian-Sherman.

Selenium isn't the only target. Applied PhytoGenetics is working on
cottonwood trees with a bacterial gene that will allow them to absorb
mercury from contaminated sites and release a less-harmful form into
the atmosphere.

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin, often found in sediments of water
bodies. The company chose water-loving cottonwoods because they grow
fast. Field trials have been under way for less than two years, and,
while the process seems to be working, researchers don't yet know how
much mercury is being removed from the soil at the test site, said CEO
David Glass.

Putting mercury back into the air isn't a long-term solution, said
Glass. "We're hopeful we'll develop a plant that will hold onto the
mercury." But that's many years away, making it difficult to attract
investors, he said.

"It's too early to know how big a market this product will have," said
Glass. "However, there's a growing problem (mercury contamination) out
there that needs to be fixed."


Boostertrees Maru



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