Erik Reuter wrote:

Assume what you like. Whatever lets you wallow in your blissful
ignorance and inability to admit you were wrong.l

What in the world are you suggesting that I "admit" I'm wrong about? Have you addressed the difference between the CPI-W and the CPI-E or the reason for the existence of the latter? Did you offer any evidence that Social Security benefit increases are keeping up with the *actual* cost of living of its beneficiaries? As far as I can see, you dismissed that as a "detail," which to me is a long way from the kind of compassion for the needy that is a foundation of our society. Let's focus on whether or not Social Security today and tomorrow meets their needs. If benefits don't increase as fast as *their* cost of living, we aren't living up to our values, no matter what accounting methods and indexes we choose.

When looking at the calculation of the COLAs and the actual benefits to the human beings, isn't a no-brainer that the actual benefits are what matters? We are a society of fairness, compassion and mercy, aren't we?



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