Warren wrote-
>>But I do know that Other Posters on this list have asserted
>> claims and then, asked for cites, said they couldn't reveal their
>> sources. This behavior seems to havve been accepted from them. Is it
>> possible we've got a mirror of that here?

Dan wrote
>The pattern's wrong.  Look at the word choices in the various cases.  
>I give various weights to various types of information.  I try to develop
>an objective criterion....types of sources and what not...patterns of being
>accurate in the past...etc.  Another approach is to look digitally, one
>either has absolute proof or one does not.  From that perspective, there is
>no difference between pure conjecture, and my daughter memory of being at
>the relevant committee hearing.

I will chime in with Dan on this one.  We all "evaluate" information-
based on sources, cites, etc.  every day.  I try and post info 
with pretty clear context... "I think", "appears", "recall", etc
when it is opinion or could be considered "less factual".  By the
same token this group has some pretty diverse backgrounds
and I assume some broad "contacts".  I have come to 
respect and ponder posts more through the years as a result. 

There are times when I have posted info whose authenticity
I didn't feel was appropriate to fight with people about.  
For example, there was a time when there was
a question of readiness of the troops in the Middle East.  
I posted with info from the officer in the desert in charge of 
ensuring the equipment was maintained and operating when it
was issued to troops.  While it was still pretty vague in
nature, I would never feel it would be appropriate to
"share info" that could jeopardize jobs/lives, etc.  Some
people know I have close friends in the military and they
probably knew how much credibility to give info
I put "on list", (or they ask).  It doesn't really bother me
that my less rigorous posting patterns have been given
limited credibility in the past- it doesn't phase me
what people might think.  

The last time this topic came up I thought about posting
that perhaps we should give each other a bit of "critical
acceptance" in posts.  Think about the possibility, but
research more on our own.  



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