At 12:02 AM 3/16/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>Gautam Mukunda wrote:
>>Big news for another list member.  Our very own John Giorgis has 
>>just been chosed as a Presidential Management Fellow.
>Which means what?  Takwe pity on those of us who *don't* have Tom
Friedman's home phone number.  :-)
>Congratulations in any case, John.

Thanks Gautam, Jim, and others.....

The PMF program is a special internship program that is only available to
applicants in the year in which you earn a Master's Degree.   Its a
two-year program, and generally assigns you to work with career civil
servants at the highest level, usually in rotationa; assignments.    It is
very prestigious, and this year fewer than 1 out of 6 applicants were
accepted into the program.  


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