On Apr 1, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 10:37 AM Friday 4/1/2005, Alan Ackley wrote:

My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John
Keel's "Eighth Tower").

The Babylonians were building a "tower to reach to the sky", and when
"God", (or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human
progress, the method used also had the effect of causing multiple
languages to occur. Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east,
inside some unspecified stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a
generator which has affected the mentality of mankind from then until

Leading one to wonder aloud if said Mr. Keel has been standing too close
to said stone monument for too long . . .

Or to wonder if it is a coincidence that this message was delivered on this particular day of this particular month (like another thread posted eighteen minutes and thirty seconds after midnight).



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